Plaza Euskadi 5, Planta 15 - Oficina 5 - 48009 Bilbao - Bizkaia

A triad for a Nobel Prize in Economics, making an impact on our societies (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Leading: collaborative inspiration behind a credible and shared story (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Work Academy rewards talent and commitment

“We are looking for people who, in addition to a good academic level, want to grow and work as part of a team.” PwC ha incorporado a Jon Azua, profesor e investigador en la Red de Competitividad de Universidad de Harvard y consejero de diversas instituciones educativas y empresas de primer nivel, para poner en

And now? Adaptations to a new Europe? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Basque Sweet Land. A special regard and reminder to the Basque Diaspora. (Neure Kabuz Column)

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The short and long road to hope (Neure Kabuz Column)

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If this time it were true? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Waiting for new leaders (Neure Kabuz Column)

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CHANGE YES. From whom and for what? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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New airs? Putting our bets on value (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Latin America: Avoiding a lost decade? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Rocking Europe – European Renaissance – Use your vote? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Industrial Policy 10.0 (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Protecting democracy in the service of Human Development? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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“Leaders and Rulers”. Meeting at the ballot box (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Basque elections: The challenge of choosing to win the future

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Lehendakari Ohia José Antonio Ardanza: Commitment and service testimony

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Celebrating Porter (Neure Kabuz Column)

On March 27th, we gathered in Boston, a hundred of friends, students, colleagues, professors, classmates, apprentices and admirers of Professor Michael E. Porter, in his beloved “laboratory of ideas, exploration of areas of opportunity and challenges for the future”, as well as -above all- a school of trainers and impact generators, at Harvard University. His

Inclusive Societies and Economies (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Competitiveness beyond the competition (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Facing the challenges of a new era? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Choosing models… much more than just a media boost (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Traveling towards our prosperity through competitiveness, wellbeing and co-creation value (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Rebuild the Trust… (Neure Kabuz Column)

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A quiet revolution… (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Merry Christmas! – Zorionak! – ¡Feliz Navidad!


Cocreating value and inclusive development: New perspectives? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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A better tomorrow. The indispensable strategy (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Enthusiastic optimism for a sustainable future… (Neure Kabuz Column)

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New corridors for a collaborative future of wellness (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Building bridges for a better world… (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Simplistic solutions or complex, far-reaching strategies? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Where and how do we direct our dreams of tomorrow? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Cocreation Value transforming industries of the future (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Collaborate with the enemy? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Why the talent and great employees or followers leave great organizations and cultures? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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When new territorial spaces are the true source and purpose of wellbeing, development and governance. (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Between magic, language manipulation and the choice of the path to follow (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Celebrate and recognize what has been built (Neure Kabuz Column)

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New windows of opportunity. Reinforcing the path we have embarked on (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Overcoming the storm from arithmetic possibilism (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Disgruntled democracies? Recovering and strengthening credibility and trust (Neure Kabuz Column)

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The card game. Recommendations for a hopeful future (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Endless transformations in progress (Neure Kabuz Column)

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…beyond the direct signs of the crisis. Enhancing trust, credibility and commitment. (Neure Kabuz Column)

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The paradoxes of internationalization? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Following new opportunities, changing the rules of the game (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Coopetence and Governance: the inevitability of their efficiency (Neure Kabuz Column)

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“Understanding and overcoming complexity.” (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Signs for new and hopeful times… (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Leaving behind the 2.022, avoiding danger as if nothing had happened, or embarking on new directions for the 2.023

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In search of new industrial policies. Building collaborative results that have an impact on our societies. (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Between urgency and desirability (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Sailing towards a desired port… (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Transformative policies for a better future: Latin America, once again… (Neure Kabuz Column)

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A new European political community? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Road to the future. Illusion behind a motivating and possible purpose (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Industrial renaissance: much more than a recipe for winning the future (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Basque Diaspora, from Donibane Garazi to the World (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Un esperanzado despertar… (Neure Kabuz Column)

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… And then the choice was made to go to the Moon! (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Prospering without growth? Growing without prosperity? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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If we abandon what we did well? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Reinventing globalization? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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A week in Bilbao. Observing a world of opportunities. Purpose and legacy for future generations (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Inclusive spaces. Locating solutions (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Art, culture and economy: the power of our museums (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Inflection and decline of government styles? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Biscay 2050: Bilbao-Bizkaia-Basque Country (Jon Azua) – May 20, Chamber Fridays

Next May 20, at 9:00 a.m., within the framework of “Chamber Fridays”, organized by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Bilbao, Jon Azua will present the scope, main reflections and recommendations contained in his book, “The Biscay of 2050: Bilbao-Biscay-Basque Country”, recently published by the Chamber of Bilbao, coinciding with its double

Innovate with a why and what for. Give meaning to what we have to do (Innobasque Trends)

From the Trends section of The Basque Innovation Agency, Innobasque, has been published has been published the article: Innovar con un por qué y para qué. Dar sentido a lo que hemos de hacer (by Jon Azua)

Future aspirations to overcome uncertain times (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Good decisions – good results? Bad results – bad decisions? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Bizkaia 2050: Bilbao-Bizkaia-Basque Country (by Jon Azua)

On the occasion of the 540th anniversary of the Consulate of Bilbao and the 135th anniversary of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Bilbao, Jon Azua‘s book Bizkaia 2050 (Bilbao-Bizkaia-Basque Country) has been published. Jon Azua imagines an innovative space for a 2050 scenario, desired, for the Basque Country, going through the icon

Economy of scarcity or abundance? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Extraordinary moments. Singular decisions (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Protecting (building) global welfare (Neure Kabuz Column)

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“Uncertainty, randomness, solutions” (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Manufacturing for inclusive prosperity (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Policy demands and socioeconomic outlook 2022 (Neure Kabuz Column)

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2022: Rethinking and making it a better year (Neure Kabuz Column)

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A further step towards competitiveness and inclusive prosperity (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Zero Net. After the consensus goal? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Climate Summit, social progress and inclusive challenge (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Road to economic recovery: A simple chip? A shared roadmap? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Program for the Characterization of Clusters in the State of Puebla

Jon Azua participated in the kick-off of the cluster formation program in Puebla, which took place on October 8 and was organized by the Economy Ministry of the Government of Puebla. 

October 7: Different times. Responding from complexity (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Harvard MOC & Digital Corporate Governance Summer School – Danube University Campus (Krems-Austria)

On August 27-28, Jon Azua participated in the Harvard MOC & Digital Corporate Governance Summer School at the Danube University Campus in Krems, Austria. He delivered the services corresponding to the general framework of the “MOC Competitiveness Framework for a City-Region including prosperity” using the “Bilbao-Euskadi Case” in its 40 years of transformation and its

Meetings in New York. Leaders and challenges at the UN (Neure Kabuz Column)

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11 September, twenty years later. When the winds change direction (Neure Kabuz Column)

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¿Y si no fuera verano? Capitalidad y otros asuntos a discutir (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Artificial Intelligence: Choosing our desirable path (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Territorial innovation and city-regions (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Industrial policy, competitiveness and inclusive development. A path for the future (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Grow at 8-9%? How, until when, for what and for whom? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Basque Country, industry and prosperity (Neure Kabuz Column)

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The future of employment. Hope in the new “pink collar” and “green collar” workers. (Neure Kabuz Column)

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SDGs and Inequality. An aspirational challenge beyond the 2030 Agenda.. (HERMES Magazine)

Jon Azua has taken part in the 68th issue of the HERMES magazine with the article: ODS y Desigualdad. Un desafío aspiracional más allá de la Agenda 2030.

Talent, digitization and technological challenges for the common good (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Climate Summit, beyond green… (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Biden: jobs to rethink America’s future (Neure Kabuz Column)

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A week for industrial policy. A long road to prosperity (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Company, society, stakeholders or involved agents (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Leading innovation. Inevitability for a complex and uncertain world (Innobasque Newsletter)

Jon Azua’s participation in the publication of the Innobasque Newsletter.

One more step from our technological-industrial strengths (Neure Kabuz Column)

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A desired tomorrow in the economy (Neure Kabuz Column)

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The limit of responsibilities, the twilight of democracy (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Human, resilient and drivers cities of inclusive growth (Neure Kabuz Column)

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EAJ-PNV: An avant-garde Model for economic modernity (125th Anniversary of the EAJ-PNV)

Jon Azua’s participation in the Special publication of the 125th Anniversary of the PNV (1895-2020): An avant-garde Model for economic modernity

Brexit-EU: a symbol for new times (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Merry Christmas! – Zorionak! – ¡Feliz Navidad!


Pandemic, Christmas and towards a new postcovid world (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Social progress: responding to the challenges of the moment (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Pioneers of change? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Clustering the economy, more than a collaborative strategy (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Inequality, social protection and the labour market in the new global crisis (UPV-EHU Summer Courses)

Jon Azua has participated in the Course: “Inequality, social protection and the labour market in the new global crisis” of the UPV-EHU in its summer 2020 programs, held on October 22 and 23 in Donostia-San Sebastián, under the impetus of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council, within the framework of its strategy focused on “making Gipuzkoa a

Innovation driven by the entrepreneurial state (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Redouble efficient and driving public investment, now is the time (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Next Generation EU; waiting for the miraculous manna… (Neure Kabuz Column)

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New metrics for economic, social and sustainability triple goal? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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September again (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Predicting uncertainty (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Beating statistics… (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Economy, politics and… society (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Co-Creating the future of health

“The world and health industry demands to deal with its pending revolution. Calls for radical transformation aimed at generating health value. The system has a positive assessment and citizen perception and is facing a unique opportunity for its flexibility, improvement and new horizons redefinition”. Jon Azua, presidente de EnovatingLab comparte en el blog de BeConfluence sus reflexiones sobre el

Innovation Policy. Smart strategy (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Towards a new map for competitiveness, prosperity and inclusive development…

Collaboration of Jon Azua in #Estrategia00009 book published by B+I Strategy. As every year, Jon Azua participates in the book #Estrategia00009 published by B+I Strategy, with the article: Towards a new map for competitiveness, prosperity and inclusive development… At the presentation that, was broadcast by streaming on June 17, took place a colloquium between: Jon Fernández,

The value of social solidarity (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Commission on Social and Economic Reconstruction

Invited by the Commission on Social and Economic Reconstruction after COVID-19, at the Congress of Deputies, Jon Azua explained the considerations to strengthen/rebuild a new health systema, the oportunity of new European Health initiatives and a series of proposals and recommendations for social and economic transformation that pursue the objectives set by the Congress. Document

Work Meetings

On June 15th, Jon Azua and Carlos Álvarez opened the sessions of the “FINECO Work Meetings” that have been organized since 20 years. The “Health Panel”, along with the other three planned throughout this week (Economic Panel, Markest and Strategy of investment panel and Fiscal Panel), form the New Digital Edition of Work Meetings. This panel

Innovation WEBINAR

“The role of Innovation in the new stage”, organized by Innobasque, began a process of reflection around the keys to move towards social, economic and institutional transformation that must be before and post COVID, and the role of innovation in it. Emiliano López Atxurra, president of Petronor and the Tecnalia Technology Corporation, and Jon Azua,

Nightmare in the United States (Neure Kabuz Column)

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In times of reconstruction… innovative and entrepreneurial intensity (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Leading with purpose (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Winning our future (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Covid-19 and Deals of Moncloa: co-responsible exit? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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What happened during those lost months? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Pandemic Crash: revisiting new models of growth and development (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Interview – El Economista


Zorionak – Feliz Navidad – Merry Christmas

From Enovatinglab we wish you a Merry Christmas

Professor Antoni Subirá -IESE Business School


Yellow vests, gilet jaunes, chalecos amarillos…A traffic light for new disruptive strategies

Jon Azua, as every year, participates in the book #Estrategia00008 published by B+I Strategy, with the article titled: Yellow vests, gilet jaunes, yellow vests

Zorionak – Feliz Navidad – Merry Christmas

From Enovatinglab we wish you a Merry Christmas!

35 Anniversary of Osakidetza


Seminar: “New engines for the economic growth and employment generation” in San José (Costa Rica)

Jon Azua-Enovatinglab shares, in the Seminar, experiences on policies of clusters and productive development in the Autonomous Community of the Basque country

Value-Based Health Care Delivery

Course given from 2 to 4 July in Bilbao with Jon Azua’s participation

Weaving convergent strategies in the Co-Creation of Value: Application to a Health model in Isolated Areas

Collaboration of Jon Azua in #Estrategia00007 book published by B+I Strategy.

International Study Tour (IESDE)


SHV Seminar

A Seminar taught by Jon Azua to B+I Strategy

Zorionak – Feliz Navidad – Merry Christmas

From Enovatinglab we wish you a Merry Christmas

Orkestra’s 10th Anniversary

Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness has celebrated on Monday, November 21, its tenth anniversary.

XX Anniversary of Bilbao Guggenheim Museum

Today, October 18, the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum celebrates its XX Anniversary.

Jon Azua and Mikel Navarro Interview (BERRIA)

Facing the challenges and obligations that Basque Society will have after the crisis.04/

White Paper on European Inclusive Growth and Competitiveness

Jon Azua has participated in the recent report published by the European Investment Bank and the Inclusive Growth and Competitiveness European Group of the World Economic Forum.

Argentina’s Productive Transformation

Jon Azua-Enovatinglab has participated in different work sessions with the Government and argentine entrepreneurs.

Inclusive Growth and Competitiveness in/from Shared Value

Collaboration of Jon Azua in the book #Estrategia00006 published by B+I Strategy.

Cities & Economy Forum

Bilbao organizes the first edition of “Cities & Economy Forum” to adopt an attitude as a business city and attract investments.

Basque Country Energy Cluster

Lecture presented by Jon Azua in the Institutional Act of the General Assembly of the Basque Country Energy Cluster.

Competitive Cities and their Connection to Global Value Chains

Jon Azua, member of Global Advisory Council of Competitiveness of the World Economic Forum, has participated as co-author of the published document.

Creating a platform for strategy and competitiveness

Enovatinglab advertising within the framework of the Basque Country.

The exciting challenge of the Revolution 4.0

New collaboration of Jon Azua in the book #Estrategia00005 published by B+I Strategy.

12 Strategies to change a Country

Participation of Jon Azua in “Strategy Spain” project.

“The Competitive Advantage of Nations” By Jon Azua

Realigning the Strategy to Transform the Economic and Social Development of the Basque Country

Basque Cluster Day

In the event, held on October 21st, participated Jon Azua, as well as the Economic Development and Competitiveness Minister, the SPRI General Director and representatives of Orkestra and Harvard University among others.

Unlocking Competitiveness

New collaborative and applied research project undertaken from Enovating Lab.

Shared Value: Co-Creation Value from the heart of the Company

This year Jon Azua collaborate in the book #Estrategia00004 published by B+I Strategy with a new article.

Self Government Presentation

Appearance of Jon Azua at the Basque Parliament last 27 May.

“The Golden book of the Basque Country”

Exclusive and limited edition in which we could find, among others, the article and the interview with Jon Azua.

Jakiunde Conference: Crisis and Industry. Lessons of the past to build the future.

Jon Azua, President of Enovating Lab, participated in the Conference organized by Jakiunde – Krisiak 2014 project.

Basque Country

“The Guardian” and “The Report Company” publish a report about The Basque Country in which Jon Azua takes part.

The Competitiveness of Cities

Report published in August by the World Economic Forum.

Enovatinglab member of Shared Value Initiative

Main world Community about the practice of company-society shared value and co-creation value.

Jon Azua, new Consul of Bilbao

The proclamation act of new Consuls of Bilbao held on Friday, June 20, at the Basque Museum – Euskal Museoa of the city.

The keys of global competitiveness: Learning for the Mexican economy

Jon Azua participated in different academic sessions in Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla (UPAEP), México.

Economic Keys: Looking at Europe

Jon Azua’s intervention in the round table organized by EAJ-PNV of Gipuzkoa.

Considerations about the recovery and economic development, by Cebek

Participation of Jon Azua, President of Enovating Lab, in the Business Meeting organized by Cebek.

Basque industry has an opportunity with two billion new consumers

José Ignacio Arrieta and Jon Azua, Ex-Ministers of Industry and Energy of the Basque Government, Eduardo Arechaga, Economic Director of Confebask and Josetxo Hernández Duñabeitia, Manager of ASLE, analyzed the bases to maintain and promote the Basque industrial sector.

Rethinking the company

Presentation of the book #Estrategia00003 published by B+I in which Jon Azua participates with the article entitled “Rethinking the company” (February 2014).

2014 edition of MOC Program

ORKESTRA, Basque Institute of Competitiveness offers its 2014 edition of the MOC (Microeconomics on Competitiveness) Program.

New Players: The Cities

Experts from around the world discussed in Davos the contribution of cities in the new economic and social dynamics (January 2014).

The “reorganization of the world” and its consequences

Forthcoming World Summit of World Economic Forum which will take place on 22-25 January in Davos (January 2014).

Enovating Venture Plus México

A tool that complements the services of promotion of business projects. (December 2013).

Hagamos posible lo improbable

Jon Azua collaborates in José Antonio Díez Alday journalist’s book (December 2013).

¿Hacia un estado vasco?

Jon Azua brings his vision on the feasibility of a Basque State in Europe in a book that deals with Basque and catalan processes. (July 2013).


“La política de clústeres es más adecuada hoy que hace 20 años”. March 2013.

Next Conference: Propeller Club

The Keys of Competitiveness (7/02/2013).

Interview – GARA

“Cuanto más ando por el mundo, más apuesto por la independencia”.

Interview – EMPRESA XXI

“Cuanto más ando por el mundo, más apuesto por la independencia”.

Interview – DEIA

“Estamos en el camino de una nueva independencia real”.

Next Conferences and Presentations

-V Diálogos de Bilbao: “La relación entre Política y Economía a la luz de los desafíos de este tiempo”.
– 15th TCI Annual Global Conference.

New Publication

La Gran Recesión Mundial. Respuestas.