The “reorganization of the world” and its consequences
Forthcoming World Summit of World Economic Forum which will take place on 22-25 January in Davos (January 2014)
The World Economic Forum celebrates its World Summit from 22 to 25 of January in the Swiss city of Davos, looking at the implications of the economic, social and technological changes that are substantially changing our lives, communities and institutions.
Under the title “The Reshaping of the World: Consequences for Society, Politics and Business” and experts who will gather in Davos will offer a look about the mega-trends that are operating and, mainly, envelope the opportunities for social and economic development to countries, cities and businesses. The details of the agenda, personalities who have provided their attendance and other pieces of interest can be found in this video.
As members of this network, Enovating Lab has participated in previous sessions of discussion at the WEF, as part of our academic activity, enovating academiae.

Hagamos posible lo improbable
Jon Azua collaborates in José Antonio Díez Alday journalist’s book (December 2013)
The journalist José Antonio Díez Alday has recently published a book of conversations with 12 personalities of political, social and Basque economic life, with the aim of provide some of the keys that will allow us to “back to the future with individual and collective responsibility to legitimate protests and propose viable alternatives”.
Jon Azua has participated in these dialogues with the author in a volume prefaced by Juan José Ibarretxe. Luis Cañada, Juan Manuel Seco, José Antonio Garrido, Koldo Saratxaga, Toti Martínez of Lezea, Javier Elzo, Juan José Álvarez, Constan Dacosta, Garbiñe Biurrun, Adolfo ‘Txiki’ Muñoz and Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias complete the list of collaborators, and Federico Mayor Zaragoza signs the epilogue.
“Hagamos posible lo improbable” has been published by Erein.