Plaza Euskadi 5, Planta 15 - Oficina 5 - 48009 Bilbao - Bizkaia
19 Mar

By: Enovating Lab


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Competitiveness, Strategy and Innovation – Basque Country

Today, March 19, starts the International Study Tour for the IESDE-Puebla School of management of Mexico delegation, organized and taught by Enovatinglab and Orkestra.

The team of teachers with extensive experience in business and excellent academic credentials, is composed by: Jon Azua, Henar Mayor, María José Aranguren, Miren Estensoro, Mikel Navarro, Susana Franco and James Wilson.


Day 1: Strategy for Competitiveness, Country, City, Company.

Day 2: Territorial development and Company Internationalization.

Day 3: The company and the clusters. Agents of the cluster.

Day 4: Innovation, infrastructure, and knowledge technologies. Cooperative experience in Basque Country.

Day 5: Business innovation, the environment and the creation of shared value. Innovation and culinary culture with impact on  the region firms.

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