Plaza Euskadi 5, Planta 15 - Oficina 5 - 48009 Bilbao - Bizkaia

CHANGE YES. From whom and for what? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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New airs? Putting our bets on value (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Latin America: Avoiding a lost decade? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Rocking Europe – European Renaissance – Use your vote? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Industrial Policy 10.0 (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Protecting democracy in the service of Human Development? (Neure Kabuz Column)

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“Leaders and Rulers”. Meeting at the ballot box (Neure Kabuz Column)

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Basque elections: The challenge of choosing to win the future

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Lehendakari Ohia José Antonio Ardanza: Commitment and service testimony

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Celebrating Porter (Neure Kabuz Column)

On March 27th, we gathered in Boston, a hundred of friends, students, colleagues, professors, classmates, apprentices and admirers of Professor Michael E. Porter, in his beloved “laboratory of ideas, exploration of areas of opportunity and challenges for the future”, as well as -above all- a school of trainers and impact generators, at Harvard University. His