Co-creation of company-society value
Companies and governments play their own distinct roles, but both require a profound strategic rethinking. These roles change over time and at different stages of development in each case, and are strongly interrelated.
In its evolution, the company has successively incorporated philanthropy (voluntary post-profit) and corporate social responsibility (voluntary by increasing its local coexistence and complementary activities) to its business and social commitment, and is finally moving towards a new vision of CO-CREATION VALUE (company-society SHARED VALUE).
A new approach, for the benefit of business results and profitability in the long term, in a sustainable manner, generating shared value, interacting with governments and societies in the redesign of a strategy that includes shared value throughout its value chain and business models. Whether it is the eligible bet (or all of them) around ESG, “Stakeholderism”, different
participatory models (capital-work) in a business environment and the necessary rupture of isolation in company-government silos, an essential interaction between companies, governments, community with objectives, lines of action, business model, public policies and community commitment, find in the co-creation of company-society value (Shared Value), a suitable scheme to be used.